Here at DriverReach, we take great pride in helping our members with their CDL recruiting challenges.
It's also rewarding to be recognized as a leader in our industry by those who study it.
The report identified DriverReach as one of the top Utility Applications.
From the report summary:
[blockquote cite="" type="left"]"The study features start-ups across the globe, covering North America, Europe, LATAM, Middle East, South Africa, Hong Kong, Singapore and India within the identified hot beds. The study highlights importance of Start-ups and how they will complement OEMs, Telematics Service Providers (TSPs), and other value chain partners."[/blockquote]
Jeremy Reymer, Co-founder, President and CEO of DriverReach, commented: "It is a great honor to be included in the Frost & Sullivan report highlighting start-ups that are disrupting the trucking industry. DriverReach provides tremendous value to the CDL recruiting market and we continue to innovate on behalf of our members. This is a strong validation of our work and we're excited to build upon this recognition."
A full copy of the report is available at Frost & Sullivan.