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Webinar Q&A: How to Promote Your Brand to Attract Great Candidates

Did you have a chance to attend our webinar last week, "How to Promote Your Brand to Attract Great Candidates"? We received more questions than we had time to answer in the allotted time frame, so we've answered them below.  

Priscilla Peters, Vice President of Marketing for Conversion Interactive Agency and presenter on the webinar, answers each of the questions we received in this Q&A-style blog post. Whether or not you were able to attend, you’ll be able to put these tips to use immediately.

Question: What are you seeing as the best way to use chat bots?

Answer: A great way to use chatbots today is through Facebook or a bot on your landing page. This is a great strategy to get drivers into the driver lead funnel and re-market to them later with various campaigns.

Question: Where do you get a Chatbot to use on Facebook?

Answer: You can work with your advertising agency to set up the chatbot on Facebook (we work with clients and Facebook for this today), or you can work with a third party chatbot provider. If you handle this type of work in-house, then keep in mind that you will run into some integration needs in order to funnel the leads into your Applicant Tracking System (ATS).

Question: What should be done to accommodate after-hours questions?

Answer: Regarding the chatbot, that can be set up to only be “turned on” during the time you request. In general, recruiting departments typically staff their teams online and on the phones during peak times of call volume and/or online chat volume. And, when it comes to social media, BE SURE you have someone (a social recruiter, your advertising agency, or other personnel) monitoring your social media accounts and advertising. This is a big gap we see with carriers today, and leads are being lost as a result. 

Question: What typically receives the most engagement on social media?

Answer: Great content gets great engagement! Don’t put your brand in the box of “recruitment only” posts and content on social media. Have fun with it, implement UGC (User Generated Content), establish brand ambassadors (drivers to represent your brand), and have a content plan in place.

Question: Can you recommend system for banks of toll free numbers unique to ads or campaigns?

Answer: CallWorks is the platform that Conversion provides for our clients. And a few attendees on the webinar also mentioned Twilio, CallRail, and Dialogtech as recommendations.

Stay up to date on CDL trucking trends! Be sure to check out the DriverReach blog for other relevant articles and head over to our webinars page for an up-to-date list of upcoming events and on-demand recordings.

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